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    Think Content; Think Lashmi

    After seeing some 10 Content Writing Tips for CATCHY and OUTSTANDING Content, in the last post, today, we are going to see some content writing rules for you to use in your content writing journey.

    By the way, you can ask me, why do we need to follow the rules? How is too different from Tips?

    In reality, Everyone wants their content to be on the first page of Google right?

    Then again, everyone wants to create content liked by all, right?

    Also, no one wants to have long, boring, complicated content.

    If your text is too complicated and hard to understand, people will leave your page and return to the search results.

    On the other hand, if your test scores a very low-grade level, users will likely assume that your content isn’t valuable.

    Both of these things can prevent site visitors from interacting with your content and contribute to a high bounce rate.

    So, these are the fundamental rules to be embedded in one’s writing for an enriching reading experience for the reader.

    Tips are GOOD to follow whereas Rules are MUST to follow

    Readability in Content Writing:

    So, what is readability? Readability is an important aspect of content writing.

    Generally speaking, the readability of the common person ranges from seventh to ninth-grade level in General English.

    To begin with, do you know Rudolf?

    He is the creator of the Flesch-Kincaid readability test approach. Because it still remains the standard to measure your writing’s readability level.

    Want to find out your score? You can take the readability test here for your content.

    It was a tremendous experience to share with you all from his approach.

    Hence, sharing the useful rules from some of the learnings which are simple, quick, easy, and practical to follow.

    Firstly, let’s begin with the 10 Easy & Best content writing rules on the list. However, note that it is not in the ranking order.

    Furthermore, you can decide the priority and Usage of the rule to follow based on YOUR CONTENT TOPIC and YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE.

    Must use 25 Content Writing Rules:

    #1: MUST Follow KISS – Keep it short and simple. Keep sentences short & Keep your paragraphs short.

    #2: MUST Choose your long-tail keywords appropriately. Incorporate SEO in a natural way by doing effective keyword research. 

    #3: MUST Write as you talk. Put yourself in the reader’s place. Customize the information according to your target audience.

    #4: MUST Use a lot of Transition, Emotional, Action words in the content.

    #5: MUST Plan an outline – beginning, middle, end. Leave them wanting more. Decide on Attractive Headlines, Key Internal / External Links, CTA, etc.

    #6: MUST Ensure your content is having a responsive design to devices like Mobile & Tablet. Also, adapt your content to fit the social media formats as well. 

    #7: MUST Use Bulleted / Numbered List. Shorten your phrases and create reading levels

    #8: MUST Use verbs rather than nouns. Use the active voice and a personal subject. Write in first-person – pronouns like I, You. We, Us, Ours.

    #9: MUST Proofread your content. This rule is often overlooked. Beware of spelling errors

    #10: MUST Use any illustrations – graphics, images, short videos, posters, and examples. Optimize your links and images. Too many links/images will kill the use!

    Discover more Easy & Best Content Writing Rules:

    Additionally, let’s go over more rules.

    #11: MUST Know your audience. If you don’t know why you are creating a bit of content. Then don’t create it. Audience-focused content – Topic, Type, Format. Simple.

    #12: MUST Write Meta Information. Every piece of content needs meta tags and a meta description

    #13: MUST include at least one quote. People like to get motivated/inspired by others. Quote who said

    #14: MUST Add humor when it makes sense. Be creative. 

    #15: MUST Don’t Sell in the form of content. Again, Don’t hurt the reader’s feelings, but create curiosity. 

    #16: MUST Add an emotional and conversational tone so that people can connect. Tell a story.

    #17: MUST Ensure you are not too brief. Do research. Be Relevant with facts. 

    #18: MUST Go from the rule to the exception information, from the familiar to the new. Follow Inverted Pyramid style.

    #19: MUST Avoid high-tech words, jargon, or abbreviations unless writing technology log or whitepapers. 

    #20: MUST Include statistics. Cite reference. “As per the survey”, “As said by WHO” etc.

    #21: MUST Use small, round figures. Easy to understand metrics. 

    #22: MUST Ensure your content is solving a problem.

    #23: MUST Use tools like Grammarly, Hemingway editor, paraphrasing tool, headline generator, etc. 

    #24: MUST Use Bold, Italic & Underline for emphasis and a different hierarchy of headlines to get attention for better 

    #25: MUST Avoid Redundancy. Add word for the content and not for the word count. 

    Of course, whether you are an aspiring writer, an established writer, or an expert writer, you can still improve your writing by following these rules.

    Therefore don’t forget to bookmark this post.

    You can find all the posts related to content writing here.

    Lastly, if you like the content, do comment with your feedback.

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