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    Think Content; Think Lashmi

    In this post, you are going to learn about content writing. It’s a beginner’s guide to answer all your questions on “what is content writing” in layman terms.

    Scroll down for the Top 10 simple & easy content writing tips.

    Let’s begin the journey.

    What is Content Writing?

    What is Writing mean? Writing is the art of expression of ideas and thoughts in words put together. It is a skill that can be developed over a period of time.

    What is Content? Content is the form conveying any kind of information to the audience in different types and formats.

    Process of Content Writing?

    In today’s era of digital technology, Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and editing content typically for digital marketing purposes. It is very true that “content is king”.

    Content writing has been a medium of communication ever since the digital era started. It was the major form of conveying any kind of information to the audience before even the internet.

    Different Types of Contents:

    As said, content writing can be any format and any medium. Below is the list of a few content types that are getting audience attention in today’s world.

    However, Contents can be in any format like Text, Images, Graphics, Audio, Videos, etc. It can include

    • Writing blog posts and articles
    • Scripts for videos
    • Podcasts
    • White papers
    • Landing pages
    • Business Website where you are selling the products and services.
    • Content for Specific Social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram.
      • LinkedIn is a Corporate professional site, so you should write your content for a primarily business audience and can be used for generating leads for your business.
      • Facebook content can be less polished and more personal. It can include content on solving the audience’s problems.
      • Twitter makes you think of bite-sized ideas with their 280-character limit.
      • Instagram is mostly images and videos in terms of IG reels, but a good caption will help your posts stand out from the crowd.


    Most Popular Types of Content

    Much like some chameleons which will change skin color to match their environment, great content matches the place it’s published.

    Google Source

    What is the Attention Span for Content:

    So, when you are in the content writing profession, you need to know the attention span of content.

    The average person spends about 10 to 20 seconds on a webpage. If they can’t find what they are looking for they move on to the next page.

    Moreover, think about reading online content like reading a newspaper. Most people spend about 30-60 secs glancing at the headlines on the first page.

    People immediately scan the front page of the headlines and turn the page 2 to view the story.

    Also, 10 secs in Google Search Result Page to decide which link to open.

    Additionally, the First 30 secs in the Youtube video is all it matters before it is skipped.

    Finally, 20 secs in the Takeaways and CTA of the Landing Pages is all you have to convert the prospects to leads.

    Grab Your Target’s Attention in 10-20 Seconds

    People only skim & scan before deciding

    How to start writing content?:

    As advised by Digital Deepak, the below information is provided by him in his 100 days lead generation newsletter is worth sharing. In his own words, here’s below:

    Did you choose your major before joining the school?

    No, right?

    You joined the school.

    You learned the alphabet and words before making sentences.

    Then you moved on to the next level.

    You learned the subjects from the foundation before you chose whether to become an engineer or something else.


    Correspondingly, becoming a blogger or becoming a content writer works in the same way.

    It looks something like this:

    – Step 1: Start writing

    – Step 2: Write regularly

    – Step 3: Polish your writing

    – Step 4: Master a topic or style. [aka become an expert in a subject]

    Unless you have already completed the first three steps, you shouldn’t be bothered about the topic.

    So, start writing.

    Set a goal and write.

    For example, write for 50 minutes or write 500 words a day.

    If 500 words are too much to start with, then start with 400 or 300 or 200 or even 100 words a day.

    Stick to it for a week.

    Then increase a bit. Stick to it for a week.

    Then increase.

    And stick with something you are comfortable with.

    Do it daily till it becomes a habit.

    That should be your first goal.

    Because the habit is what you need to succeed.

    So, forget about the topic, competition, and other stuff. Just Start writing.

    Digital Deepak

    What is Niche Selection?:

    Start with understanding your passion. Then analyze do you have talent in the passion? If not, develop the talent. Simultaneously, identify if the market is there for the passion and talent you have decided on.

    It is important for you to understand that you will be paid for your talent and not for passion. Also do not enter the market with no competition. A market with no competition means there are no buyers.

    Understand what is the market needs? Selling becomes easy when there is a pain point, right?

    As well as, go very deep ad narrow in the niche in order for better results.

    For example, say you are a Yoga teacher. Your niche can be I’m yoga teacher focuses on teaching pregnant women or yoga teacher focuses on teaching obesity women aged between 30-40

    What is Niche Selection

    Niche Selection

    Process for Selecting Web Content:

    First, do the research through a community. Create a group and run polls with questions. Talk to people ad understand their needs. Do a “Ask Me Anything” session.

    Creating a customer avatar will help you understand the target audience. A customer avatar is an individual person who represents your target customer.

    If you have a global audience, then you need to segment the avatars for each customer segment.

    Customer Avatar creates the foundation for the content writing to content marketing journey.

    Think of your content as information, not as a document. The document is the place where you dump all the details.

    • Adopt a persona’s perspective when writing a content
    • Find Answers for – Who? What? Why? Whom? Where? How? When?
    • Research…Research…& More Research
    • Write, Edit, Re-Write, Re-Edit, Draft, Final publish
    • Create actionable content adopting the Google Needs.

    The most important thing to remember is to think CONTENT as INFORMATION not as document!

    F-SHAPED pattern for Reading web content:

    Eye-tracking visualizations tell that users often read web pages in an F-shaped pattern.

    In particular, two horizontal stripes followed by a vertical stripe.

    By putting keywords on the F will make your content more READABLE and SEARCHABLE.

    So, focus on the core concepts and facts. In addition, cut the fluff!!

    Overall, focus on your site audience and what they want to know, and what they are looking for in your content.

    Accordingly, put those key information in the right place in your content.

    READABLE – Give valuable content that your audience wants to read

    SEARCHABLE – Give what Google wants in terms of Marketing Needs

    F-SHAPED pattern for Reading web content

    F-SHAPED pattern content writing

    Hope you enjoyed the beginner’s guide on content writing. Enjoy reading the 10 Quick & Short Content Writing Tips for catchy and OUTSTANDING Content.

    Your valuable feedback, question, or comments about this post are always welcome by leaving me a message on the contact form is truly appreciated.

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